USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual  Version:
UHD and USRP Manual
Legacy AXI Interface Libraries

This document describes legacy AXI interface libraries used by some testbenches. They are included here due to their continued use.

AXI4 Stream (sim_axis_lib.vh)

Defines axis_t, an AXI Stream bus interface that implements several tasks to send and receive data on the bus.


interface axis_t #(parameter DWIDTH = 64)
                  (input clk);
  logic [DWIDTH-1:0]  tdata;
  logic               tvalid;
  logic               tlast;
  logic               tready;

modport master (output tdata, output tvalid, output tlast, input tready);
modport slave (input tdata, input tvalid, input tlast, output tready);



// Push a word onto the AXI-Stream bus and wait for it to transfer
// Args:
// - word: The data to push onto the bus
// - eop (optional): End of packet (asserts tlast)


// Push a bubble cycle onto the AXI-Stream bus


// Wait for a sample to be transferred on the AXI Stream
// bus and return the data and last
// Args:
// - word: The data pulled from the bus
// - eop: End of packet (tlast)


// Wait for a bubble cycle on the AXI Stream bus


// Wait for a packet to finish on the bus


// Push a packet with random data onto to the AXI Stream bus
// Args:
// - num_samps: Packet size.


// Push a packet with a ramp on to the AXI Stream bus
// Args:
// - num_samps: Packet size.
// - ramp_start: Start value for the ramp
// - ramp_inc: Increment per clock cycle

Compressed VITA (sim_chdr_lib.vh)

Note: This section describes legacy CHDR in 3.x and earlier. As of UHD 4.0, the CHDR protocol and format has changed.

Defines cvita_stream_t, an AXI Stream bus interface that implements the CHDR protocol and several tasks to send and receive data on the bus.


typedef enum logic [1:0] {
  DATA=2'b00, FC=2'b01, CMD=2'b10, RESP=2'b11
} cvita_pkt_t;

typedef struct packed {
  logic [31:0]  sid;
  logic [15:0]  length;
  logic [11:0]  seqno;
  logic         eob;
  logic         has_time;
  cvita_pkt_t   pkt_type;
  logic [63:0]  timestamp;
} cvita_hdr_t;


  • flatten_chdr_no_ts: Flatten header struct to a 64-bit bus. No timestamp.
  • unflatten_chdr_no_ts: Decode a 64-bit header and populate the cvita_hdr_t struct. No timestamp.
  • unflatten_chdr: Decode a 64-bit header and populate the cvita_hdr_t struct. Timestamp supported.

CVITA Stream Type


interface cvita_stream_t (input clk);
  axis_t #(.DWIDTH(64)) axis (.clk(clk));


// Push a CVITA header into the stream
// Args:
// - hdr: The header to push


// Push a word onto the AXI-Stream bus and wait for it to transfer
// Args:
// - word: The data to push onto the bus
// - eop: End of packet (asserts tlast)


// Push a bubble cycle on the AXI-Stream bus


// Wait for a sample to be transferred on the AXI Stream
// bus and return the data and last
// Args:
// - word: The data pulled from the bus
// - eop: End of packet (tlast)


// Wait for a bubble cycle on the AXI Stream bus


// Wait for a packet to finish on the bus


// Wait for a packet to finish on the bus and extract the header and payload statistics.

typedef struct packed {
  logic [31:0]  count;
  logic [63:0]  sum;
  logic [63:0]  min;
  logic [63:0]  max;
  logic [63:0]  crc;
} cvita_stats_t;


// Push a packet with random data onto to the AXI Stream bus
// Args:
// - num_samps: Packet size.
// - hdr: Header to attach to packet (length will be ignored)
// - timestamp: Optional timestamp


// Push a packet with a ramp on to the AXI Stream bus
// Args:
// - num_samps: Packet size.
// - ramp_start: Start value for the ramp
// - ramp_inc: Increment per clock cycle
// - hdr: Header to attach to packet (length will be ignored)
// - timestamp: Optional timestamp

Memory Mapped AXI4 (sim_axi4_lib.vh)

Defines the following interfaces to group signals in the AXI4 bus. WIP: No functions or tasks implemented yet.


interface axi4_addr_t #(parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
                       (input clk);

  logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
  logic [AWIDTH-1:0]  addr;
  logic [7:0]         len;
  logic [2:0]         size;
  logic [1:0]         burst;
  logic               lock;
  logic [3:0]         cache;
  logic [2:0]         prot;
  logic [3:0]         qos;
  logic [3:0]         region;
  logic               user;
  logic               valid;
  logic               ready;

  modport master (output id,addr,len,size,burst,lock,cache,prot,qos,valid, input ready);
  modport slave (input id,addr,len,size,burst,lock,cache,prot,qos,valid, output ready);


Write Data

interface axi4_wdata_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64)
                       (input clk);

  logic [DWIDTH-1:0]      data;
  logic [(DWIDTH/8)-1:0]  strb;
  logic                   last;
  logic                   user;
  logic                   valid;
  logic                   ready;

  modport master(output data,strb,last,valid, input ready);
  modport slave(input data,strb,last,valid, output ready);


Write Response

interface axi4_resp_t #(parameter IDWIDTH=4)
                       (input clk);

  logic               ready;
  logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
  logic [1:0]         resp;
  logic               user;
  logic               valid;

  modport master(output ready, input id,resp,valid);
  modport slave(input ready, output id,resp,valid);


Read Data

interface axi4_rdata_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
                       (input clk);

  logic               ready;
  logic [IDWIDTH-1:0] id;
  logic [DWIDTH-1:0]  data;
  logic [1:0]         resp;
  logic               user;
  logic               last;
  logic               valid;

  modport master(output ready, input id,data,resp,last,valid);
  modport slave(input ready, output id,data,resp,last,valid);


Meta: AXI4 Writer

interface axi4_wr_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
                     (input clk);

  axi4_addr_t  #(.AWIDTH(AWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) addr (.clk(clk));
  axi4_wdata_t #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH))                    data (.clk(clk));
  axi4_resp_t  #(.IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH))                  resp (.clk(clk));

  modport master(output addr, output data, input resp);
  modport slave(input addr, input data, output resp);


Meta: AXI4 Reader

interface axi4_rd_t #(parameter DWIDTH=64, parameter AWIDTH=32, parameter IDWIDTH=4)
                     (input clk);

  axi4_addr_t  #(.AWIDTH(AWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) addr (.clk(clk));
  axi4_rdata_t #(.DWIDTH(DWIDTH), .IDWIDTH(IDWIDTH)) data (.clk(clk));

  modport master(output addr, output data);
  modport slave(input addr, input data);
