USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual  Version: 003.010.003.HEAD-0-gef157678
UHD and USRP Manual
Generation 3 USRP Build Documentation

Dependencies and Requirements


The USRP FPGA build system requires a UNIX-like environment with the following dependencies

What FPGA does my USRP have?

  • USRP B200: Spartan 6 XC6SLX75
  • USRP B200mini: Spartan 6 XC6SLX75
  • USRP B210: Spartan 6 XC6SLX150
  • USRP X300: Kintex 7 XC7K325T (7 Series)
  • USRP X310: Kintex 7 XC7K410T (7 Series)
  • USRP E310: Zynq-7000 XC7Z020 (7 Series)


Build Environment Setup

Download and Install Xilinx Tools

Download and install Xilinx Vivado or Xilinx ISE based on the target USRP.

  • The recommended installation directory is /opt/Xilinx/ for Linux and C:\Xilinx in Windows
  • Please check the Xilinx Requirements document above for the FPGA technology used by your USRP device.
  • You may need to acquire a synthesis and implementation license from Xilinx to build some USRP designs.
  • You may need to acquire a simulation license from Xilinx to run some testbenches

Download and Install ModelSim (Optional)

Download and install Mentor ModelSim using the link above.

  • The recommended installation directory is /opt/mentor/modelsim for Linux and C:\mentor\modelsim in Windows
  • Supported versions are PE, DE, SE, DE-64 and SE-64
  • You may need to acquire a license from Mentor Graphics to run ModelSim

Setting up build dependencies on Ubuntu

You can install all the dependencies through the package manager:

sudo apt-get install python bash build-essential doxygen

Your actual command may differ.

Setting up build dependencies on Fedora

You can install all the dependencies through the package manager:

sudo yum -y install python bash make doxygen

Your actual command may differ.

Setting up build dependencies on Windows (using Cygwin)

NOTE: Windows is only supported with Vivado. The build system does not support Xilinx ISE in Windows.

Download the latest version on Cygwin (64-bit is preferred on a 64-bit OS) and install it using these instructions. The following additional packages are also required and can be selected in the GUI installer

python patch patchutils bash make doxygen

Build Instructions (Xilinx Vivado only)

Makefile based Builder

  • Navigate to usrp3/top/{project} where project is:
    • x300: For USRP X300 and USRP X310
    • e300: For USRP E310
  • To add vivado to the PATH and to setup up the Ettus Xilinx build environment run
    • source (If Vivado is installed in the default path /opt/Xilinx/Vivado) OR
    • source --vivado-path=<VIVADO_PATH> (where VIVADO_PATH is a non-default installation path)
  • To build a binary configuration bitstream run make <target> where the target is specific to each product. To get a list of supported targets run make help.
  • The build output will be specific to the product and will be located in the usrp3/top/{project}/build directory. Run make help for more information.

Environment Utilies

The build environment also defines many ease-of-use utilites. Please use the Vivado Utility Reference page for a list and usage information

Build Instructions (Xilinx ISE only)

Makefile based Builder

  • To add xtclsh to the PATH and to setup up the Xilinx build environment run
    • source <install_dir>/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ (64-bit platform)
    • source <install_dir>/Xilinx/14.7/ISE_DS/ (32-bit platform)
  • Navigate to usrp3/top/{project} where project is:
    • b200: For USRP B200 and USRP B210
    • b200mini: For USRP B200mini
  • To build a binary configuration bitstream run make <target> where the target is specific to each product. To get a list of supported targets run make help.
  • The build output will be specific to the product and will be located in the usrp3/top/{project}/build directory. Run make help for more information.

Targets and Outputs

B2x0 Targets and Outputs

Supported Targets

  • B200: Builds the USRP B200 design.
  • B210: Builds the USRP B210 design.


  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bit : Configuration bitstream with header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bin : Configuration bitstream without header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.syr : Xilinx system report
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.twr : Xilinx timing report

X3x0 Targets and Outputs

Supported Targets

  • X310_1G: USRP X310. 1GigE on both SFP+ ports. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X300_1G: USRP X300. 1GigE on both SFP+ ports. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X310_HG: USRP X310. 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X300_HG: USRP X300. 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X310_XG: USRP X310. 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X300_XG: USRP X300. 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. DRAM TX FIFO (experimental!).
  • X310_HGS: USRP X310. 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. SRAM TX FIFO.
  • X300_HGS: USRP X300. 1GigE on SFP+ Port0, 10Gig on SFP+ Port1. SRAM TX FIFO.
  • X310_XGS: USRP X310. 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. SRAM TX FIFO.
  • X300_XGS: USRP X300. 10GigE on both SFP+ ports. SRAM TX FIFO.


  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.bit : Configuration bitstream with header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.bin : Configuration bitstream without header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.lvbitx : Configuration bitstream for PCIe (NI-RIO)
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga_<image_type>.rpt : System, utilization and timing summary report

E310 Targets and Outputs

Supported Targets

  • E310: Builds the USRP E310 design.


  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bit : Configuration bitstream with header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.bin : Configuration bitstream without header
  • build/usrp_<product>_fpga.rpt : System, utilization and timing summary report

Additional Build Options

It is possible to make a target and specific additional options in the form VAR=VALUE in the command. For example: make B210 PROJECT_ONLY=1

Here are the supported options:

  • PROJECT_ONLY=1 : Only create a Xilinx project for the specified target(s). Useful for use with the ISE GUI. (NOTE: this option is only valid for Xilinx ISE)
  • EXPORT_ONLY=1 : Export build targets from a GUI build to the build directory. Requires the project in build-*_* to be built. (NOTE: this option is only valid for Xilinx ISE)
  • GUI=1 : Run the Vivado build in GUI mode instead of batch mode. After the build is complete, Vivado provides an option to save the fully configured project for customization (NOTE: this option is only valid for Xilinx Vivado)