USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual  Version: 3.11.0.HEAD-0-ga1b5c4ae
UHD and USRP Manual
pimpl.hpp File Reference
#include <uhd/config.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>

Go to the source code of this file.


#define UHD_PIMPL_DECL(_name)   struct _name; boost::shared_ptr<_name>
#define UHD_PIMPL_MAKE(_name, _args)   boost::shared_ptr<_name>(new _name _args)

Detailed Description

"Pimpl idiom" (pointer to implementation idiom). The UHD_PIMPL_* macros simplify code overhead for declaring and making pimpls.

Each pimpl is implemented as a shared pointer to the implementation:

  • The container class will not have to deallocate the pimpl.
  • The container class will use the pimpl as a regular pointer.
  • Usage: _impl->method(arg0, arg1)
  • Usage: _impl->member = value;
See also

Macro Definition Documentation


#define UHD_PIMPL_DECL (   _name)    struct _name; boost::shared_ptr<_name>

Make a declaration for a pimpl in a header file.


#define UHD_PIMPL_MAKE (   _name,
)    boost::shared_ptr<_name>(new _name _args)

Make an instance of a pimpl in a source file.