USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual  Version:
UHD and USRP Manual
uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface Class Reference

#include <uhd/rfnoc/multichan_register_iface.hpp>

Public Types

using sptr = std::shared_ptr< multichan_register_iface >

Public Member Functions

 multichan_register_iface (register_iface_holder &reg_iface_holder, const uint32_t block_base_addr, const size_t block_size)
 ~multichan_register_iface ()=default
void poke32 (uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, const size_t instance=0, uhd::time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP, bool ack=false)
void poke64 (uint32_t addr, uint64_t data, const size_t instance=0, time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP, bool ack=false)
void multi_poke32 (const std::vector< uint32_t > addrs, const std::vector< uint32_t > data, const size_t instance=0, uhd::time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP, bool ack=false)
void block_poke32 (uint32_t first_addr, const std::vector< uint32_t > data, const size_t instance=0, uhd::time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP, bool ack=false)
uint32_t peek32 (uint32_t addr, const size_t instance=0, time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP)
uint64_t peek64 (uint32_t addr, const size_t instance=0, time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP)
std::vector< uint32_t > block_peek32 (uint32_t first_addr, size_t length, const size_t instance=0, time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP)
void poll32 (uint32_t addr, uint32_t data, uint32_t mask, time_spec_t timeout, const size_t instance=0, time_spec_t time=uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP, bool ack=false)

Detailed Description

A software interface to access low-level registers in a NoC block, which automatically handles address translation between multiple consecutive instances of the block. (For instance, accessing registers from multiple channels in hardware).

This interface supports the following:

  • Writing and reading registers
  • Hardware timed delays (for time sequencing operations)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ sptr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ multichan_register_iface()

uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::multichan_register_iface ( register_iface_holder reg_iface_holder,
const uint32_t  block_base_addr,
const size_t  block_size 

◆ ~multichan_register_iface()

uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::~multichan_register_iface ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ block_peek32()

std::vector<uint32_t> uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::block_peek32 ( uint32_t  first_addr,
size_t  length,
const size_t  instance = 0,
time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP 

Read multiple 32-bit consecutive registers implemented in the NoC block.

first_addrThe byte address of the first register to read from (truncated to 20 bits).
lengthThe number of 32-bit values to read
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the reads apply.
timeThe time at which the transaction should be executed.
data New value of this register.

Example: If first_addr is set to 0, and length is 8, then this function will return a vector of length 8, with the content of registers at addresses 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, and 28 respectively.

Note: There is no guarantee that under the hood, the implementation won't separate the reads.

op_failedif the transaction fails
op_timeoutif no response is received
op_seqerrif a sequence error occurs

◆ block_poke32()

void uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::block_poke32 ( uint32_t  first_addr,
const std::vector< uint32_t >  data,
const size_t  instance = 0,
uhd::time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP,
bool  ack = false 

Write multiple consecutive 32-bit registers implemented in the NoC block.

This function will only allow writes to adjacent registers, in increasing order. If addr is set to 0, and the length of data is 8, then this method triggers eight writes, in order, to addresses 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28. For arbitrary addresses, cf. multi_poke32().

Note: There is no guarantee that under the hood, the implementation won't separate the writes.

first_addrThe byte addresses of the first register to write
dataNew values of these registers
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the writes apply.
timeThe time at which the first transaction should be executed.
ackShould transaction completion be acknowledged?
op_failedif an ACK is requested and the transaction fails
op_timeoutif an ACK is requested and no response is received
op_seqerrif an ACK is requested and a sequence error occurs
op_timeerrif an ACK is requested and a time error occurs (late command)

◆ multi_poke32()

void uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::multi_poke32 ( const std::vector< uint32_t >  addrs,
const std::vector< uint32_t >  data,
const size_t  instance = 0,
uhd::time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP,
bool  ack = false 

Write multiple 32-bit registers implemented in the NoC block.

This method should be called when multiple writes need to happen that are at non-consecutive addresses. For consecutive writes, cf. block_poke32().

addrsThe byte addresses of the registers to write to (each truncated to 20 bits).
dataNew values of these registers. The lengths of data and addr must match.
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the writes apply.
timeThe time at which the first transaction should be executed.
ackShould transaction completion be acknowledged?
uhd::value_errorif lengths of data and addr don't match
op_failedif an ACK is requested and the transaction fails
op_timeoutif an ACK is requested and no response is received
op_seqerrif an ACK is requested and a sequence error occurs
op_timeerrif an ACK is requested and a time error occurs (late command)

◆ peek32()

uint32_t uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::peek32 ( uint32_t  addr,
const size_t  instance = 0,
time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP 

Read a 32-bit register implemented in the NoC block.

addrThe byte address of the register to read from (truncated to 20 bits).
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the read applies.
timeThe time at which the transaction should be executed.
op_failedif the transaction fails
op_timeoutif no response is received
op_seqerrif a sequence error occurs

◆ peek64()

uint64_t uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::peek64 ( uint32_t  addr,
const size_t  instance = 0,
time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP 

Read two consecutive 32-bit registers implemented in the NoC block and return them as one 64-bit value.

Note: This is a convenience call, because all register peeks are 32-bits. This will concatenate two peeks in a block peek, and then return the combined result of the two peeks.

addrThe byte address of the lower 32-bit register to read from (truncated to 20 bits).
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the reads apply.
timeThe time at which the transaction should be executed.
op_failedif the transaction fails
op_timeoutif no response is received
op_seqerrif a sequence error occurs

◆ poke32()

void uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::poke32 ( uint32_t  addr,
uint32_t  data,
const size_t  instance = 0,
uhd::time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP,
bool  ack = false 

Write a 32-bit register implemented in the NoC block.

addrThe byte address of the register to write to (truncated to 20 bits).
dataNew value of this register.
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the write applies
timeThe time at which the transaction should be executed.
ackShould transaction completion be acknowledged?
op_failedif an ACK is requested and the transaction fails
op_timeoutif an ACK is requested and no response is received
op_seqerrif an ACK is requested and a sequence error occurs
op_timeerrif an ACK is requested and a time error occurs (late command)

◆ poke64()

void uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::poke64 ( uint32_t  addr,
uint64_t  data,
const size_t  instance = 0,
time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP,
bool  ack = false 

Write two consecutive 32-bit registers implemented in the NoC block from one 64-bit value.

Note: This is a convenience call, because all register pokes are 32-bits. This will concatenate two pokes in a block poke, and then return the combined result of the two pokes.

addrThe byte address of the lower 32-bit register to read from (truncated to 20 bits).
dataNew value of the register(s).
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the writes apply.
timeThe time at which the transaction should be executed.
ackShould transaction completion be acknowledged?
op_failedif the transaction fails
op_timeoutif no response is received
op_seqerrif a sequence error occurs

◆ poll32()

void uhd::rfnoc::multichan_register_iface::poll32 ( uint32_t  addr,
uint32_t  data,
uint32_t  mask,
time_spec_t  timeout,
const size_t  instance = 0,
time_spec_t  time = uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP,
bool  ack = false 

Poll a 32-bit register until its value for all bits in mask match data&mask

This will insert a command into the command queue to wait until a register is of a certain value. This can be used, e.g., to poll for a lock pin before executing the next command. It is related to sleep(), except it has a condition to wait on, rather than an unconditional stall duration. The timeout is hardware-timed. If the register does not attain the requested value within the requested duration, ${something bad happens}.

Example: Assume readback register 16 is a status register, and bit 0 indicates a lock is in place (i.e., we want it to be 1) and bit 1 is an error flag (i.e., we want it to be 0). The previous command can modify the state of the block, so we give it 1ms to settle. In that case, the call would be thus:

// iface is a multichan_register_iface::sptr:
iface->poll32(16, 0x1, 0x3, 1e-3);
addrThe byte address of the register to read from (truncated to 20 bits).
dataThe values that the register must have
maskThe bitmask that is applied before checking the readback value
timeoutThe max duration that the register is allowed to take before reaching its new state.
instanceThe index of the block of registers to which the poll applies.
timeWhen the poll should be executed
ackShould transaction completion be acknowledged? This is typically only necessary if the software needs a condition to be fulfilled before continueing, or during debugging.
op_failedif an ACK is requested and the transaction fails
op_timeoutif an ACK is requested and no response is received
op_seqerrif an ACK is requested and a sequence error occurs
op_timeerrif an ACK is requested and a time error occurs (late command)

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