USRP Hardware Driver and USRP Manual  Version:
UHD and USRP Manual
uhd Namespace Reference




class  device
struct  exception
struct  assertion_error
struct  lookup_error
struct  index_error
struct  key_error
struct  type_error
struct  value_error
struct  narrowing_error
struct  runtime_error
struct  usb_error
struct  not_implemented_error
struct  access_error
struct  environment_error
struct  io_error
struct  os_error
struct  system_error
struct  syntax_error
struct  rfnoc_error
struct  op_failed
struct  op_timeout
struct  op_seqerr
struct  op_timerr
struct  resolve_error
struct  routing_error
class  image_loader
class  property_iface
class  property
struct  fs_path
class  property_tree
struct  stream_args_t
class  rx_streamer
class  tx_streamer
class  device_addr_t
class  dict
class  filter_info_base
class  analog_filter_base
class  analog_filter_lp
class  digital_filter_base
class  digital_filter_fir
class  mac_addr_t
struct  memmap32_iface
 Represents a 32-bit, memory-mapped interface (peek/poke). More...
struct  memmap32_iface_timed
 Represents a 32-bit, memory-mapped interface (peek/poke). More...
struct  rx_metadata_t
struct  tx_metadata_t
struct  async_metadata_t
class  range_t
struct  meta_range_t
class  ref_vector
struct  sensor_value_t
class  i2c_iface
struct  spi_config_t
class  spi_iface
class  uart_iface
struct  stream_cmd_t
class  time_spec_t
struct  tune_request_t
struct  tune_result_t
class  wb_iface
class  timed_wb_iface
class  gps_ctrl
class  dirty_tracked
struct  gain_fcns_t
class  gain_group
class  msg_task
class  soft_register_base
class  soft_register_t
class  soft_register_sync_t
class  soft_regmap_accessor_t
class  soft_regmap_t
class  soft_regmap_db_t
class  task


typedef std::vector< uint8_t > byte_vector_t
 Byte vector used for I2C data passing and EEPROM parsing. More...
typedef std::vector< device_addr_tdevice_addrs_t
 A typedef for a vector of device addresses. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, std::vector< uint8_t > > eeprom_map_t
typedef meta_range_t gain_range_t
typedef meta_range_t freq_range_t
typedef boost::noncopyable noncopyable
typedef uint32_t soft_reg_field_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint32_t, false, true > soft_reg32_wo_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint32_t, true, false > soft_reg32_ro_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint32_t, true, true > soft_reg32_rw_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint32_t, false, true > soft_reg32_wo_sync_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint32_t, true, false > soft_reg32_ro_sync_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint32_t, true, true > soft_reg32_rw_sync_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint64_t, false, true > soft_reg64_wo_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint64_t, true, false > soft_reg64_ro_t
typedef soft_register_t< uint64_t, true, true > soft_reg64_rw_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint64_t, false, true > soft_reg64_wo_sync_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint64_t, true, false > soft_reg64_ro_sync_t
typedef soft_register_sync_t< uint64_t, true, true > soft_reg64_rw_sync_t


enum class  trig_io_mode_t { PPS_OUTPUT , INPUT , OFF }
enum  soft_reg_flush_mode_t { OPTIMIZED_FLUSH , ALWAYS_FLUSH }


UHD_API fs_path operator/ (const fs_path &, const fs_path &)
UHD_API fs_path operator/ (const fs_path &, size_t)
template<typename RangeSrc , typename RangeDst >
UHD_INLINE void byte_copy (const RangeSrc &src, RangeDst &dst)
UHD_API std::string bytes_to_string (const byte_vector_t &bytes)
 Create a string from a byte vector, terminate when invalid ASCII encountered. More...
UHD_API byte_vector_t string_to_bytes (const std::string &str, size_t max_length)
 Create a byte vector from a string, end at null terminator or max length. More...
UHD_API device_addrs_t separate_device_addr (const device_addr_t &dev_addr)
 Separate an indexed device address into a vector of device addresses. More...
UHD_API device_addr_t combine_device_addrs (const device_addrs_t &dev_addrs)
 Combine a vector of device addresses into an indexed device address. More...
UHD_API_HEADER std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, filter_info_base &f)
UHD_API bool operator== (const time_spec_t &, const time_spec_t &)
 Implement equality_comparable interface. More...
UHD_API bool operator< (const time_spec_t &, const time_spec_t &)
 Implement less_than_comparable interface. More...
template<typename Range >
UHD_INLINE Range sorted (const Range &range)
template<typename Range >
UHD_INLINE Range reversed (const Range &range)
template<typename Range , typename T >
UHD_INLINE bool has (const Range &range, const T &value)
template<typename T >
UHD_INLINEclip (const T &val, const T &bound1, const T &bound2)
template<typename T , typename Range >
void assert_has (const Range &range, const T &value, const std::string &what="unknown")
template<typename T , typename Range >
UHD_INLINE void assert_has (const Range &range, const T &value, const std::string &what)
uint16_t byteswap (uint16_t)
 perform a byteswap on a 16 bit integer More...
uint32_t byteswap (uint32_t)
 perform a byteswap on a 32 bit integer More...
uint64_t byteswap (uint64_t)
 perform a byteswap on a 64 bit integer More...
template<typename T >
ntohx (T)
 network to host: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
htonx (T)
 host to network: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
wtohx (T)
 worknet to host: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
htowx (T)
 host to worknet: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
UHD_INLINEntohx (T num)
 network to host: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
UHD_INLINEhtonx (T num)
 host to network: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
UHD_INLINEwtohx (T num)
 worknet to host: short, long, or long-long More...
template<typename T >
UHD_INLINEhtowx (T num)
 host to worknet: short, long, or long-long More...
UHD_API std::string get_tmp_path (void)
 Get a string representing the system's temporary directory. More...
UHD_API std::string get_lib_path (void)
 Get a string representing the system's library directory. More...
UHD_API std::string get_pkg_path (void)
 Get a string representing the system's pkg directory. More...
UHD_API std::string get_cal_data_path (void)
 Get a string representing the location of the calibration database. More...
UHD_API std::vector< fs::path > get_module_paths (void)
 Get UHD library paths. More...
UHD_API std::string get_images_dir (const std::string &search_paths)
UHD_API std::string find_image_path (const std::string &image_name, const std::string &search_paths="")
UHD_API std::string find_utility (const std::string &name)
UHD_API std::string print_utility_error (const std::string &name, const std::string &args="")
int32_t get_process_id ()
uint32_t get_host_id ()
uint32_t get_process_hash ()
UHD_INLINE bool likely (bool expr)
 hint for the branch prediction More...
UHD_INLINE bool unlikely (bool expr)
 hint for the branch prediction More...
UHD_API void set_thread_priority (float priority=DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, bool realtime=true)
UHD_API bool set_thread_priority_safe (float priority=DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY, bool realtime=true)
UHD_API void set_thread_name (boost::thread *thread, const std::string &name)
UHD_API void set_thread_name (std::thread *thread, const std::string &name)
UHD_API void set_thread_affinity (const std::vector< size_t > &cpu_affinity_list)


constexpr float DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY = float(0.5)

Detailed Description

Define common exceptions used throughout the code:

  • The python built-in exceptions were used as inspiration.
  • Exceptions inherit from std::exception to provide what().
  • Exceptions inherit from uhd::exception to provide code().

The code() provides an error code which allows the application the option of printing a cryptic error message from the 1990s.

The dynamic_clone() and dynamic_throw() methods allow us to: catch an exception by dynamic type (i.e. derived class), save it, and later rethrow it, knowing only the static type (i.e. base class), and then finally to catch it again using the derived type.

Useful templated functions, classes, and constants. Some of these overlap with the STL, but these are created with Boost for portability. Many of the range wrapper functions come with versions of boost >= 1.43.

Typedef Documentation

◆ byte_vector_t

typedef std::vector< uint8_t > uhd::byte_vector_t

Byte vector used for I2C data passing and EEPROM parsing.

Byte vector typedef for passing data in and out of I2C interfaces.

◆ device_addrs_t

typedef std::vector<device_addr_t> uhd::device_addrs_t

A typedef for a vector of device addresses.

◆ eeprom_map_t

typedef std::map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t> > uhd::eeprom_map_t

◆ freq_range_t

◆ gain_range_t

◆ noncopyable

typedef boost::noncopyable uhd::noncopyable

◆ soft_reg32_ro_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint32_t, true, false> uhd::soft_reg32_ro_sync_t

◆ soft_reg32_ro_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint32_t, true, false> uhd::soft_reg32_ro_t

◆ soft_reg32_rw_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint32_t, true, true> uhd::soft_reg32_rw_sync_t

◆ soft_reg32_rw_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint32_t, true, true> uhd::soft_reg32_rw_t

◆ soft_reg32_wo_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint32_t, false, true> uhd::soft_reg32_wo_sync_t

◆ soft_reg32_wo_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint32_t, false, true> uhd::soft_reg32_wo_t

◆ soft_reg64_ro_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint64_t, true, false> uhd::soft_reg64_ro_sync_t

◆ soft_reg64_ro_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint64_t, true, false> uhd::soft_reg64_ro_t

◆ soft_reg64_rw_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint64_t, true, true> uhd::soft_reg64_rw_sync_t

◆ soft_reg64_rw_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint64_t, true, true> uhd::soft_reg64_rw_t

◆ soft_reg64_wo_sync_t

typedef soft_register_sync_t<uint64_t, false, true> uhd::soft_reg64_wo_sync_t

◆ soft_reg64_wo_t

typedef soft_register_t<uint64_t, false, true> uhd::soft_reg64_wo_t

◆ soft_reg_field_t

typedef uint32_t uhd::soft_reg_field_t

A register field is defined as a tuple of the mask and the shift. It can be used to make read-modify-write operations more convenient For efficiency reasons, it is recommended to always use a constant of this type because it will get optimized out by the compiler and will result in zero memory overhead

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ direction_t







◆ endianness_t


◆ soft_reg_flush_mode_t


◆ trig_io_mode_t

enum uhd::trig_io_mode_t

Output PPS signal from port.


Use port as input.


Port is turned off.

Function Documentation

◆ assert_has() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename Range >
UHD_INLINE void uhd::assert_has ( const Range &  range,
const T &  value,
const std::string &  what = "unknown" 

Check that an element is found in a container. If not, throw a meaningful assertion error. The "what" in the error will show what is being set and a list of known good values.

rangea list of possible settings
valuean element that may be in the list
whata description of what the value is
assertion_errorwhen elem not in list

◆ assert_has() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename Range >
void uhd::assert_has ( const Range &  range,
const T &  value,
const std::string &  what = "unknown" 

Check that an element is found in a container. If not, throw a meaningful assertion error. The "what" in the error will show what is being set and a list of known good values.

rangea list of possible settings
valuean element that may be in the list
whata description of what the value is
assertion_errorwhen elem not in list

◆ byte_copy()

template<typename RangeSrc , typename RangeDst >
UHD_INLINE void uhd::byte_copy ( const RangeSrc &  src,
RangeDst &  dst 

◆ bytes_to_string()

UHD_API std::string uhd::bytes_to_string ( const byte_vector_t bytes)

Create a string from a byte vector, terminate when invalid ASCII encountered.

◆ byteswap() [1/3]

UHD_INLINE uint16_t uhd::byteswap ( uint16_t  x)

perform a byteswap on a 16 bit integer

◆ byteswap() [2/3]

UHD_INLINE uint32_t uhd::byteswap ( uint32_t  x)

perform a byteswap on a 32 bit integer

◆ byteswap() [3/3]

UHD_INLINE uint64_t uhd::byteswap ( uint64_t  x)

perform a byteswap on a 64 bit integer

◆ clip()

template<typename T >
UHD_INLINE T uhd::clip ( const T &  val,
const T &  bound1,
const T &  bound2 

A templated clip implementation.

valthe value to clip between an upper and lower limit
bound1the upper or lower bound
bound2the upper or lower bound
the value clipped at the bounds

◆ combine_device_addrs()

UHD_API device_addr_t uhd::combine_device_addrs ( const device_addrs_t dev_addrs)

Combine a vector of device addresses into an indexed device address.

◆ find_image_path()

UHD_API std::string uhd::find_image_path ( const std::string &  image_name,
const std::string &  search_paths = "" 

Return the full path to particular UHD binary image.

This function searches for the passed image name, and returns an absolute path to it. The returned path is guaranteed to exist. The caller can also provide a full path to the image in the argument, and this function will validate it and convert it to an absolute system path.

image_nameThe name of the file to search for, or the full path.
search_pathsHints / paths to use when calling get_images_dir
the full system path to the file
exceptionuhd::io_error if the file was not found.

◆ find_utility()

UHD_API std::string uhd::find_utility ( const std::string &  name)

Search for the location of a particular UHD utility. The utility must be installed in the uhd/utils directory.

namethe name of the utility to search for
the full system path to the given utility

◆ get_cal_data_path()

UHD_API std::string uhd::get_cal_data_path ( void  )

Get a string representing the location of the calibration database.

◆ get_host_id()

uint32_t uhd::get_host_id ( )

◆ get_images_dir()

UHD_API std::string uhd::get_images_dir ( const std::string &  search_paths)

Return the UHD images directory path.

This function returns the UHD images installation path on this system. The returned directory path is guaranteed to exist (assuming a valid path is found). This function will look for a directory that exists using this order of precedence:

1) UHD_IMAGES_DIR environment variable 2) Any paths passed to this function via ‘search_paths’ 3) UHD package path / share / uhd / images

The search_paths parameter may contain Windows registry keys. If no directory is found, an empty string is returned.

search_pathsA comma-separated list of hints for paths to include.
A path string if one is found, or an empty string on failure.

◆ get_lib_path()

UHD_API std::string uhd::get_lib_path ( void  )

Get a string representing the system's library directory.

◆ get_module_paths()

UHD_API std::vector<fs::path> uhd::get_module_paths ( void  )

Get UHD library paths.

◆ get_pkg_path()

UHD_API std::string uhd::get_pkg_path ( void  )

Get a string representing the system's pkg directory.

◆ get_process_hash()

uint32_t uhd::get_process_hash ( )

◆ get_process_id()

int32_t uhd::get_process_id ( )

◆ get_tmp_path()

UHD_API std::string uhd::get_tmp_path ( void  )

Get a string representing the system's temporary directory.

◆ has()

template<typename Range , typename T >
UHD_INLINE bool uhd::has ( const Range &  range,
const T &  value 

Is the value found within the elements in this range?

Uses std::find to search the iterable for an element.

rangethe elements to search through
valuethe match to look for in the range
true when the value is found in the range

◆ htonx() [1/2]

template<typename T >
UHD_INLINE T uhd::htonx ( num)

host to network: short, long, or long-long

◆ htonx() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T uhd::htonx ( num)

host to network: short, long, or long-long

◆ htowx() [1/2]

template<typename T >
UHD_INLINE T uhd::htowx ( num)

host to worknet: short, long, or long-long

◆ htowx() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T uhd::htowx ( num)

host to worknet: short, long, or long-long

◆ likely()

UHD_INLINE bool uhd::likely ( bool  expr)

hint for the branch prediction

◆ ntohx() [1/2]

template<typename T >
UHD_INLINE T uhd::ntohx ( num)

network to host: short, long, or long-long

◆ ntohx() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T uhd::ntohx ( num)

network to host: short, long, or long-long

◆ operator/() [1/2]

UHD_API fs_path uhd::operator/ ( const fs_path ,
const fs_path  

◆ operator/() [2/2]

UHD_API fs_path uhd::operator/ ( const fs_path ,

◆ operator<()

UHD_API bool uhd::operator< ( const time_spec_t ,
const time_spec_t  

Implement less_than_comparable interface.

◆ operator<<()

UHD_API_HEADER std::ostream& uhd::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
filter_info_base f 

◆ operator==()

UHD_API bool uhd::operator== ( const time_spec_t ,
const time_spec_t  

Implement equality_comparable interface.

◆ print_utility_error()

UHD_API std::string uhd::print_utility_error ( const std::string &  name,
const std::string &  args = "" 

Return an error string recommending the user run the utility. The error string will include the full path to the utility to run.

the message suggesting the use of the named utility.

◆ reversed()

template<typename Range >
UHD_INLINE Range uhd::reversed ( const Range &  range)

A wrapper around std::reverse that takes a range instead of an iterator.

The elements are reversed into descending order using the less-than operator. This wrapper reverses the elements non-destructively into a new range. Based on the builtin python function reversed(...)

rangethe range of elements to be reversed
a new range with the elements reversed

◆ separate_device_addr()

UHD_API device_addrs_t uhd::separate_device_addr ( const device_addr_t dev_addr)

Separate an indexed device address into a vector of device addresses.

◆ set_thread_affinity()

UHD_API void uhd::set_thread_affinity ( const std::vector< size_t > &  cpu_affinity_list)

Set the affinity of the current thread to a (set of) CPU(s).

cpu_affinity_listlist of CPU numbers to affinitize the thread to

◆ set_thread_name() [1/2]

UHD_API void uhd::set_thread_name ( boost::thread *  thread,
const std::string &  name 

Set the thread name on the given boost thread.

threadpointer to a boost thread
namethread name with maximum length of 16 characters

◆ set_thread_name() [2/2]

UHD_API void uhd::set_thread_name ( std::thread *  thread,
const std::string &  name 

Set the thread name on the given std thread.

threadpointer to a boost thread
namethread name with maximum length of 16 characters

◆ set_thread_priority()

UHD_API void uhd::set_thread_priority ( float  priority = DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY,
bool  realtime = true 

Set the scheduling priority on the current thread.

To enable realtime scheduling on a new thread, call this function with the default values. Warning: realtime scheduling can cause UHD worker threads to not share resources such as network interfaces fairly, potentially causing it to malfunction.

A priority of zero corresponds to normal priority. Positive priority values are higher than normal. Negative priority values are lower than normal.

prioritya value between -1 and 1
realtimetrue to use realtime mode
exceptionon set priority failure

◆ set_thread_priority_safe()

UHD_API bool uhd::set_thread_priority_safe ( float  priority = DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY,
bool  realtime = true 

Set the scheduling priority on the current thread. Same as set_thread_priority but does not throw on failure.

true on success, false on failure

◆ sorted()

template<typename Range >
UHD_INLINE Range uhd::sorted ( const Range &  range)

A wrapper around std::sort that takes a range instead of an iterator.

The elements are sorted into ascending order using the less-than operator. This wrapper sorts the elements non-destructively into a new range. Based on the builtin python function sorted(...)

rangethe range of elements to be sorted
a new range with the elements sorted

◆ string_to_bytes()

UHD_API byte_vector_t uhd::string_to_bytes ( const std::string &  str,
size_t  max_length 

Create a byte vector from a string, end at null terminator or max length.

◆ unlikely()

UHD_INLINE bool uhd::unlikely ( bool  expr)

hint for the branch prediction

◆ wtohx() [1/2]

template<typename T >
UHD_INLINE T uhd::wtohx ( num)

worknet to host: short, long, or long-long

◆ wtohx() [2/2]

template<typename T >
T uhd::wtohx ( num)

worknet to host: short, long, or long-long

Variable Documentation


constexpr float uhd::DEFAULT_THREAD_PRIORITY = float(0.5)